Core Java Tutorial

I) Introduction
  1. Why java
  2. Java Virtual Machine
  3. Difference between java and other (C and C++)
  4. Java History 
  5. Java Features
  6. Java Programming Format
  7. How to Set path for java
  8. Creating and Running Java Program 
  9. Java Naming Conventions
  10. Java Keywords
  11. Java Identifiers
  12. Java Operators
  13. Java Statements 
  14. Java Data Types
  15. Type Casting 
  16. Arrays

II) Object Oriented Programming concepts 

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Concepts of Object Oriented Programming
  3. Benefits of Object Oriented Parading  
  4. Class and Objects
  5. Static Keyword 
  6. Constructors
  7. This Keyword
  8.  Java Variable argument methods
  9. Super Keyword 
  10. Polymorphism ( Overloading and Overriding)
  11. Abstraction
  12. Encapsulation 
  13. Abstract classes 

 III) Inheritance

  1. Need and Benefits of Inheritance 
  2. Different types of Inheritance
  3. Different Forms of Inheritance 
  4. Multiple inheritance in Java
  5. Method Overriding
  6. Final keyword with Inheritance
  7. Constructor Method and Inheritance
  8. Dynamic Method Dispatch

IV) Interface

  1. Why interfaces are introduced in Java
  2. Extending an Interface
  3. Implementing an Interface
  4. Accessing interface variables
  5. Implementing multiple inheritance using interfaces
  6. Default Methods in Interfaces
  7. Static Methods in Interface 
  8. Interface Private Methods
  9. Annotations.

V) String Manipulations

  1. String 
  2. String Buffer
  3. String Tokenizer    
  4. StingBuilder

VI) Packages

  1. Introduction-Java API Packages
  2. Using system packages
  3. Naming conventions
  4. User Defined packages 
  5. Access specifiers 

VII) Exception Handling

  1. Introduction -Types of errors
  2. Pre Defined Exceptions 
  3. Handling Exceptions - Try-Catch
  4. Multi catch statements
  5. Finally block
  6. Throw and Throws
  7. User Defined exception examples.

VIII) Multi threading 

  1.  Introduction to multi threading
  2. Thread creations 
  3. Thread life cycle
  4. Life cycle methods
  5. Synchronization 
  6.  Inter thread communication
  7. Thread priority 

IX) I/O Streams

  1. Introduction 
  2. Byte-oriented streams 
  3. Character oriented streams 
  4. File 
  5. Random Access File
  6. Serialization

X) Collection Framework

  1. Introduction 
  2. Util package interfaces, list, set, Map
  3. List interface and its classes
  4. set interface and its classes
  5. Map interface and its classes 

XI) The Applet Class

  1.  Applet Basics 
  2. Applet Architecture 
  3. An Applet Skeleton
  4. Simple Applet Display Methods
  5. Requesting Repainting
  6. The HTML APPLET Tag
  7. Passing Parameters to Applets

XII) Event Handling

  1. Two Event Handling Mechanisms
  2. The Delegation Event Model
  3. Event Classes
  4. The Key Event Class 
  5. Sources of Events
  6. Event Listener Interfaces
  7. Using The Delegation Event Model
  8. Adapter Classes 

XIII) Introducing the AWT

  1.  java.awt package 
  2. Components and Containers
  3. Button
  4. Label
  5. Checkbox
  6.  Radio buttons
  7. List boxes
  8. Choice boxes
  9. Text field and Text area 
  10. container classes
  11. Layouts 
  12. Menu
  13. Scroll bar 
  14. Inner Classes

XIV) Java Database Connectivity

  1. Introduction JDBC
  2. JDBC Architecture
  3. Installing MySQL and MySQL Connector 
  4. JDBC Environment Setup
  5. Establishing JDBC Database Connections
  6.  ResultSet Interface
  7.  Creating JDBC Application
  8. JDBC Batch Processing
  9. JDBC Transaction Management

Java New Features 

Java 4/5 Features 

  1. Java Assertion
  2. Java For-each Loop
  3. Java Varargs
  4. Java Static Import
  5. Java Autoboxing
  6. Java Enums
  7. Java Annotations
  8. Java Generics 

Java 7 Features

  1. Binary Literals
  2. Switch with String
  3. Java 7 Multi Catch
  4. Try with Resources
  5. Type Inference
  6. Numeric Literals
  7. Java 7 JDBC

Java 8 Features

  1. Lambda Expressions
  2. Method References
  3. Functional Interfaces
  4. Stream API
  5. Stream Filter
  6. Base64 Encode Decode
  7. Default Methods
  8. forEach() method
  9. Collectors class
  10. StringJoiner class
  11. Optional class
  12. JavaScript Nashorn
  13. Parallel Array Sort
  14. Type Inference
  15. Parameter Reflection
  16. Type Annotations
  17. JDBC Improvements

Java 9 Features

  1. Interface Private Methods
  2. Try-With Resources
  3. Anonymous Classes
  4. SafeVarargs Annotation
  5. Collection Factory Methods
  6. Process API Improvement
  7. Version-String Scheme
  8. JShell (REPL)
  9. Module System
  10. Control Panel
  11. Stream API Improvement
  12. Underscore Keyword

Java 10 Features 

  1.     Local Variable Type Inference
  2.     Time-Based Release Versioning
  3.     Garbage-Collector Interface
  4.     Parallel Full GC for G1
  5.     Heap Allocation on Alternative Memory Devices
  6.     Consolidate the JDK Forest into a Single Repository
  7.     Application Class-Data Sharing
  8.     Additional Unicode Language-Tag Extensions
  9.     Root Certificates
  10.     Experimental Java-Based JIT Compiler
  11.     Thread-Local Handshakes
  12.     Remove the Native-Header Generation Tool
  13.     New Added APIs and Options
  14.     Removed APIs and Options

Java 11 Features

  1.     HTTP Client API
  2.     Launch Single-File Programs Without Compilation
  3.     String API Changes
  4.     Collection.toArray(IntFunction)
  5.     Files.readString() and Files.writeString()
  6.     Optional.isEmpty()

Java 12 Features 

  1.     Collectors.teeing() in Stream API
  2.     String API Changes
  3.     Files.mismatch(Path, Path)
  4.     Compact Number Formatting
  5.     Support for Unicode 11
  6.     Switch Expressions (Preview)

Java 13 Features 

  1.  Text Blocks (Preview)
  2.   Switch Expressions Enhancements (Preview)
  3.   Reimplement the Legacy Socket API
  4.   Dynamic CDS Archive
  5.   Uncommit Unused Memory
  6.    FileSystems.newFileSystem() Method
  7.    DOM and SAX Factories with Namespace Support

Java 14 Features

  1.      Pattern Matching for instanceof (Preview)
  2.     Text Blocks (Second Preview)
  3.     Helpful NullPointerExceptions
  4.     Records (Preview)
  5.     Switch Expressions (Standard)
  6.     Packaging Tool (Incubator)
  7.     NUMA-Aware Memory Allocation for G1
  8.     JFR Event Streaming
  9.     Non-Volatile Mapped Byte Buffers
  10.     Remove the Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) Garbage Collector
  11.     Remove the Pack200 Tools and API
  12.     Foreign-Memory Access API (Incubator)

Java 15 Features 

  1.     Sealed Classes and Interfaces (Preview)
  2.     EdDSA Algorithm
  3.     Hidden Classes
  4.     Pattern Matching for instanceof (Second Preview)
  5.     Removed Nashorn JavaScript Engine
  6.     Reimplement the Legacy DatagramSocket API
  7.     Records (Second Preview)
  8.     Text Blocks become a standard feature.

Java 16 Features 

  1.     Vector API (Incubator)
  2.     Enable C++14 Language Features
  3.     Migrate from Mercurial to Git
  4.     Migrate to GitHub
  5.    ZGC: Concurrent Thread-Stack Processing
  6.    Unix-Domain Socket Channels
  7.     Alpine Linux Port
  8.     Elastic Metaspace
  9.     Windows/AArch64 Port
  10.     Foreign Linker API (Incubator)
  11.     Warnings for Value-Based Classes
  12.     Packaging Tool
  13.     Foreign-Memory Access API (Third Incubator)
  14.     Pattern Matching for instanceof
  15.     Records
  16.     Strongly Encapsulate JDK Internals by Default
  17.     Sealed Classes (Second Preview)

Java 17 Features 

  1.     Restore Always-Strict Floating-Point Semantics
  2.     Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators
  3.     New macOS Rendering Pipeline
  4.      macOS/AArch64 Port
  5.     Deprecate the Applet API for Removal
  6.     Strongly Encapsulate JDK Internals
  7.     Pattern Matching for switch (Preview)
  8.     Remove RMI Activation
  9.     Sealed Classes
  10.     Remove the Experimental AOT and JIT Compiler
  11.     Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal
  12.     Foreign Function & Memory API (Incubator)
  13.     Vector API (Second Incubator)
  14.     Context-Specific Deserialization Filters

Java 18 Features

  1.     UTF-8 by Default
  2.     Simple Web Server
  3.     Code Snippets in Java API Documentation
  4.     Reimplement Core Reflection with Method Handles
  5.     Vector API (Third Incubator)
  6.     Internet-Address Resolution SPI
  7.     Foreign Function & Memory API (Second Incubator)
  8.     Pattern Matching for switch (Second Preview)
  9.     Deprecate Finalization for Removal


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