I) Introduction
- Why java
- Java Virtual Machine
- Difference between java and other (C and C++)
- Java History
- Java Features
- Java Programming Format
- How to Set path for java
- Creating and Running Java Program
- Java Naming Conventions
- Java Keywords
- Java Identifiers
- Java Operators
- Java Statements
- Java Data Types
- Type Casting
- Arrays
II) Object Oriented Programming concepts
- Introduction
- Basic Concepts of Object Oriented Programming
- Benefits of Object Oriented Parading
- Class and Objects
- Static Keyword
- Constructors
- This Keyword
- Java Variable argument methods
- Super Keyword
- Polymorphism ( Overloading and Overriding)
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Abstract classes
III) Inheritance
- Need and Benefits of Inheritance
- Different types of Inheritance
- Different Forms of Inheritance
- Multiple inheritance in Java
- Method Overriding
- Final keyword with Inheritance
- Constructor Method and Inheritance
- Dynamic Method Dispatch
IV) Interface
- Why interfaces are introduced in Java
- Extending an Interface
- Implementing an Interface
- Accessing interface variables
- Implementing multiple inheritance using interfaces
- Default Methods in Interfaces
- Static Methods in Interface
- Interface Private Methods
- Annotations.
V) String Manipulations
VI) Packages
- Introduction-Java API Packages
- Using system packages
- Naming conventions
- User Defined packages
- Access specifiers
VII) Exception Handling
- Introduction -Types of errors
- Pre Defined Exceptions
- Handling Exceptions - Try-Catch
- Multi catch statements
- Finally block
- Throw and Throws
- User Defined exception examples.
VIII) Multi threading
- Introduction to multi threading
- Thread creations
- Thread life cycle
- Life cycle methods
- Synchronization
- Inter thread communication
- Thread priority
IX) I/O Streams
- Introduction
- Byte-oriented streams
- Character oriented streams
- File
- Random Access File
- Serialization
X) Collection Framework
- Introduction
- Util package interfaces, list, set, Map
- List interface and its classes
- set interface and its classes
- Map interface and its classes
XI) The Applet Class
- Applet Basics
- Applet Architecture
- An Applet Skeleton
- Simple Applet Display Methods
- Requesting Repainting
- Passing Parameters to Applets
XII) Event Handling
- Two Event Handling Mechanisms
- The Delegation Event Model
- Event Classes
- The Key Event Class
- Sources of Events
- Event Listener Interfaces
- Using The Delegation Event Model
- Adapter Classes
XIII) Introducing the AWT
- java.awt package
- Components and Containers
- Button
- Label
- Checkbox
- Radio buttons
- List boxes
- Choice boxes
- Text field and Text area
- container classes
- Layouts
- Menu
- Scroll bar
- Inner Classes
XIV) Java Database Connectivity
- Introduction JDBC
- JDBC Architecture
- Installing MySQL and MySQL Connector
- JDBC Environment Setup
- Establishing JDBC Database Connections
- ResultSet Interface
- Creating JDBC Application
- JDBC Batch Processing
- JDBC Transaction Management
Java New Features
Java 4/5 Features
- Java Assertion
- Java For-each Loop
- Java Varargs
- Java Static Import
- Java Autoboxing
- Java Enums
- Java Annotations
- Java Generics
Java 7 Features
- Binary Literals
- Switch with String
- Java 7 Multi Catch
- Try with Resources
- Type Inference
- Numeric Literals
- Java 7 JDBC
Java 8 Features
- Lambda Expressions
- Method References
- Functional Interfaces
- Stream API
- Stream Filter
- Base64 Encode Decode
- Default Methods
- forEach() method
- Collectors class
- StringJoiner class
- Optional class
- JavaScript Nashorn
- Parallel Array Sort
- Type Inference
- Parameter Reflection
- Type Annotations
- JDBC Improvements
Java 9 Features
- Interface Private Methods
- Try-With Resources
- Anonymous Classes
- SafeVarargs Annotation
- Collection Factory Methods
- Process API Improvement
- Version-String Scheme
- JShell (REPL)
- Module System
- Control Panel
- Stream API Improvement
- Underscore Keyword
Java 10 Features
- Local Variable Type Inference
- Time-Based Release Versioning
- Garbage-Collector Interface
- Parallel Full GC for G1
- Heap Allocation on Alternative Memory Devices
- Consolidate the JDK Forest into a Single Repository
- Application Class-Data Sharing
- Additional Unicode Language-Tag Extensions
- Root Certificates
- Experimental Java-Based JIT Compiler
- Thread-Local Handshakes
- Remove the Native-Header Generation Tool
- New Added APIs and Options
- Removed APIs and Options
Java 11 Features
- HTTP Client API
- Launch Single-File Programs Without Compilation
- String API Changes
- Collection.toArray(IntFunction)
- Files.readString() and Files.writeString()
- Optional.isEmpty()
Java 12 Features
- Collectors.teeing() in Stream API
- String API Changes
- Files.mismatch(Path, Path)
- Compact Number Formatting
- Support for Unicode 11
- Switch Expressions (Preview)
Java 13 Features
- Text Blocks (Preview)
- Switch Expressions Enhancements (Preview)
- Reimplement the Legacy Socket API
- Dynamic CDS Archive
- Uncommit Unused Memory
- FileSystems.newFileSystem() Method
- DOM and SAX Factories with Namespace Support
Java 14 Features
- Pattern Matching for instanceof (Preview)
- Text Blocks (Second Preview)
- Helpful NullPointerExceptions
- Records (Preview)
- Switch Expressions (Standard)
- Packaging Tool (Incubator)
- NUMA-Aware Memory Allocation for G1
- JFR Event Streaming
- Non-Volatile Mapped Byte Buffers
- Remove the Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) Garbage Collector
- Remove the Pack200 Tools and API
- Foreign-Memory Access API (Incubator)
Java 15 Features
- Sealed Classes and Interfaces (Preview)
- EdDSA Algorithm
- Hidden Classes
- Pattern Matching for instanceof (Second Preview)
- Removed Nashorn JavaScript Engine
- Reimplement the Legacy DatagramSocket API
- Records (Second Preview)
- Text Blocks become a standard feature.
Java 16 Features
- Vector API (Incubator)
- Enable C++14 Language Features
- Migrate from Mercurial to Git
- Migrate to GitHub
- ZGC: Concurrent Thread-Stack Processing
- Unix-Domain Socket Channels
- Alpine Linux Port
- Elastic Metaspace
- Windows/AArch64 Port
- Foreign Linker API (Incubator)
- Warnings for Value-Based Classes
- Packaging Tool
- Foreign-Memory Access API (Third Incubator)
- Pattern Matching for instanceof
- Records
- Strongly Encapsulate JDK Internals by Default
- Sealed Classes (Second Preview)
Java 17 Features
- Restore Always-Strict Floating-Point Semantics
- Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators
- New macOS Rendering Pipeline
- macOS/AArch64 Port
- Deprecate the Applet API for Removal
- Strongly Encapsulate JDK Internals
- Pattern Matching for switch (Preview)
- Remove RMI Activation
- Sealed Classes
- Remove the Experimental AOT and JIT Compiler
- Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal
- Foreign Function & Memory API (Incubator)
- Vector API (Second Incubator)
- Context-Specific Deserialization Filters
Java 18 Features
- UTF-8 by Default
- Simple Web Server
- Code Snippets in Java API Documentation
- Reimplement Core Reflection with Method Handles
- Vector API (Third Incubator)
- Internet-Address Resolution SPI
- Foreign Function & Memory API (Second Incubator)
- Pattern Matching for switch (Second Preview)
- Deprecate Finalization for Removal
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