The following Data Structures Tutorial covers all the topic which are useful for both academic exams and competitive or entrance exams. The tutorial is developed such a way this can help to crack top level exams like GATE, UGC NET ext.
Chapter-I ( introduction to data structures)
- Introduction to the theory of data structures
- Why we need data structures
- Linear and non-linear data structures
- Storage structures
- Data representation
- Abstract Data types
- Primitive and non-primitive data structures
- Data structures and structure type.
- Atomic type.
- Differences between ADT, data types, and data structures
- Refinement stages
Chapter-II ( Introduction to linked list)
- Difference between linked list and arrays.
- How linked lists are stored in memory.
- Different types of linked list.
- Single linked list and all its possible operations
- Double linked list and all its possible operations
- Circular linked list and all its possible operations
- Applications of linked
Chapter-III ( Stack)
- Introduction to stack
- Stack ADT and basic conditions
- Basic stack operations
- Representation of stack in memory
- Implementation of stack using arrays
- Implementation of stack using linked list
- Applications of stack
- Infix to postfix conversion using stack
- Evaluation of postfix expression using stack.
- Balancing parenthesis using stack.
Chapter-IV ( Queue)
- Introduction to Queue and ADT
- Basic Queue operations
- Representation of Queue in memory
- Implementation of Queue using arrays
- Implementation of Queue using linked list.
- Different types of Queues
- Doubly ended Queue
- Priority Queue
- Circular Queue
- Applications of Queue
- Implementing a sack using Queues
Chapter-V ( Binary Tree Data structure)
- Introduction trees and it's terminology.
- Different types of trees.
- Properties of binary trees
- Representation of binary trees in Computer memory.
- Operations on binary tree.
- Binary tree traveling
- Formation of binary tree from its travels
- Threaded binary trees
- Applications of binary tree
Chapter-VI ( Binary search tree)
- Introduction to binary search trees
- differences between binary tree and binary search tree.
- Operations on binary search tree.
- Finding minimum and maximum in a binary search tree
- Binary search tree traveling
- Applications of binary search tree
Binary Heap
Chapter-VII (Graphs)
- Introduction to graphs and terminology
- Different types of graphs
- Representation of graphs using matrix, linked list and sets
- Graph traveling techniues - 1) Depth First Search 2) Breadth first search
- Minimum spanning trees and it's properties
- Prim's algorithm
- Krushkal's algorithm
- Shortest paths in Graphs
- Topological sorting in graphs
Chapter-VIII ( Searching and sorting)
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